a performance-based research collective at the University of Alabama

  • The Role(s) of Kings

    The Role(s) of Kings

    Audiences coming to see Famous Victories next Friday expecting the same Henry they know from Shakespeare’s play will find something quite different than they expect, but certainly not disappointed. To quote 2 Henry IV’s Epilogue, “this is not the man” – or is he?


  • A Crown for All Seasons

    A Crown for All Seasons

    This season, the Alabama Shakespeare Project invites you to examine the role of “prop”-aganda in early modern drama. When is the crown a prop and when is it a costume? Do you notice any similarities across the plays in how they discuss the crown? What happens when the crown is worn by someone other than the rightful king? We invite you to join us in these courts of kings and queens as we ponder these questions (and more).


  • Premodern Performance-based Research: A Partial Bibliography

    Premodern Performance-based Research: A Partial Bibliography

    An annotated bibliography of premodern performance-based research methodology, scholarship and criticism.
